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jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Ciclo da auga .

The water is continually moving. Reçber What the name of the water cycle.
1.Evaporación: The heat causes the evaporation of surface water
2.Condesación: The vapor cools affects what gives rise to clouds.
3.Precipitación: Water from the clouds falls as snow, rain or hail.
4. Part of the water fall back to cycle.
5.Unha of the water goes to rivers and lakes seas or oceans.
6. The other part of the
water  is  absorbing of the land and  form aquifers.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Clima del Mundo

In recent years, scientific research on climate change it will Desarrollado considerably, and will be confirmed that human activities, such as Who of fossil fuels, are probably responsible for her climate change. He is warming ya TENIENDO much measurable consequences and future expected changes therein expensive and far-reaching.

How can we adapt to these changes?
¿Puedo mitigation measures to limit the magnitude of climate change and sustainable impacts. "

In 2007, he intergovernmental group of experts on it Climate Change (IPCC) tries to answer these questions through su final Assessment Report, which brings together the scientific, technical and socio-economic information about it climate change around the El Mundo. Then boil down the essential content of dich evaluation report.