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sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Population density .

The density of population estimates the number of inhabitants between the surface of the site. In general it is considered that an area is sparsely populated has a density of 10 inha./km2.  And that is a very populated area if the density exceeds 80 inha./km2.

Model of population cycle.

The model of demographic transition progresses in four stages:
Old or preindustrial demographic regime: it is characterized by high mortality rates and birth rates.
First transition: Keep the high birth rate, but mortality drops.
Second transition: the birth rate begins to decline, but mortality is still down more slowly.
Modern demographic regime: Mortality rates and very low birth.

Population world map.

How as the population evolves?
We study:
The birth rate: is the number of births

Fertility: the estimate of children a woman would have throughout his life

Mortality: The number of deaths
To know the real crecimento a population we have the migration.

The population can be:

Activa :(16 - 64 years): the employed and who are unemployed.
Inactive: Those who can not work due to sickness and students.

Map of increse of world population.

Causes of Birth:
As the economy
VirilityThe acess married women into the labor marketThe ingnorancia (thought: Our children are going to die young mui)Psychological causes
According to the policy
Can be prenatal (encourage them to have children) or anti-natalist (amim not to have children).

Spanish population pyramide .

A population pyramid is a graph that representing the structure of the population into age groups and sex groups .
To make a population pyramid  need to know the number of its inhabitants, expressed in percentages.

Map of countries of the European Union.

Currently there are 49 independent states in Europe.
Depending on their length: the rule is Russia's largest and the smallest Andorra
Depending on your situation: almost all have sea
Depending on their shape: Many are fragmented
According to its population: The most populated is Russia and the least populated is San marino
According to your wealth: wealthier and poorer are  German and Moldova.